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20 rapé blends explained. Which shamanic snuff is best for you?

    best rapé blends

    Shamanic snuff is becoming more popular every day in the spiritual community around the world. Thousands of people discover the benefits of rapé, and more and more people make constant use of it.

    If you are looking for a trusted source to buy Amazonian rapé, you can check out:

    But with so many rapé blends out there, it’s hard to find your way around. Which type of rapé is best for you? How to choose the one that fits your purpose?

    See also: what is rapé

    The 20 most common rapé blends in the world

    Remember, almost all rapé blends share the same basic recipe. But they all contain different herbs, which produce different effects on your body and mind. Traditionally, the exact recipe of rapé is kept secret by the producer. But the information I have and the many personal experiences I collected along the way allowed me to create this guide to the 20 most common kinds of rapé, to identify the shamanic snuff you might want to explore.

    Rapé types from South America

    yawanawa rapé blend

    Rapé blends from South America are rooted in the tradition of this practice, and by far the most commonly used. Here are the shamanic snuff types that you will most probably bump into.


    Nunu is a highly potent and revered rapé blend used by the Yanomami tribe in Brazil and Venezuela. This powerful blend typically consists of a combination of strong tobacco, ashes, and various medicinal plants found in the Amazon rainforest. The ashes used in Nunu are often derived from the Tsunu tree, which is believed to possess powerful purifying and grounding properties.

    These ashes are carefully prepared and added to the tobacco mixture, resulting in a blend that is known for its intense effects. Nunu is a shamanic snuff often used in ceremonial and healing contexts to facilitate deep grounding, enhanced focus, and spiritual connection. It is valued for its ability to support introspection, energetic cleansing, and connection with the spirit world.

    More about Nunu Rapé


    The Yawanawa tribe from Brazil has a rich tradition of using rapé blends for spiritual and healing purposes. Yawanawa rapé incorporates a diverse range of ingredients, including tobacco, ashes, and an assortment of medicinal plants found in their native environment. These plants are carefully selected and prepared to create unique blends with specific qualities.

    For example, Yawanawa shamanic snuff often includes the bark of the Paricá tree, known for its purifying and grounding properties. The combination of tobacco, ashes, and medicinal plants in Yawanawa rapé produces a gentle yet transformative experience. It can promote mental clarity, emotional balance, and a heightened sense of spiritual connection. Yawanawa rapé is highly regarded for its ability to support deep introspection, healing, and inner growth.

    More about Yawanawa rapé


    The Katukina tribe from Brazil has a rich history of using shamanic snuff as a tool for various purposes, including spiritual rituals, energy cleansing, and healing. Katukina rapé blends typically consist of tobacco, ashes, and a variety of medicinal plants that grow in their region.

    These blends often incorporate aromatic plants such as cinnamon, clove, and mint, adding a refreshing and invigorating element to the rapé experience. The combination of these ingredients creates a unique blend that is known for its uplifting and stimulating effects. Katukina rapé can promote mental alertness, clarity, and a renewed sense of vitality. It is often used to support focus, and concentration, and to provide a gentle energetic boost.

    More about Katukina rapé

    Huni Kuin (Kaxinawá)

    The Huni Kuin, also known as the Kaxinawá tribe, from Brazil has a deep connection to the rainforest and its medicinal plants. Huni Kuin rapé blends are meticulously crafted with a deep understanding of their indigenous traditions. These blends typically include a combination of tobacco, ashes, and a diverse array of plants native to the Amazon rainforest.

    Common ingredients found in Huni Kuin rapé include the Jibóia vine, Tsunu tree bark, and Pau Pereira leaves, among others. The specific combination of these plants and the care taken in their preparation result in rapé blends that are known for their deeply purifying and grounding effects. Huni Kuin rapé is revered for its ability to facilitate the release of energetic blockages, cleanse the mind, and restore balance. It is often used to support spiritual connection, inner exploration, and profound healing experiences.
    More about Huni Kuin rapé

    Sananga-infused rapé

    While not a rapé blend itself, Sananga is often used in combination with rapé to enhance the overall experience. Sananga is a traditional eye drop preparation made from the roots and bark of specific plants. It is known for its cleansing and purifying properties. Before using rapé, individuals may administer Sananga eye drops to the eyes. This practice is believed to cleanse and purify the energetic body, preparing the individual for the rapé experience.

    The combination of Sananga and rapé shamanic snuff is thought to amplify the effects of both substances. Rapé further supports the release of stagnant energy, deep introspection, and enhanced sensory perception. The combination of Sananga-infused rapé is often used in ceremonial and healing contexts to facilitate heightened states of consciousness, increased focus, and profound spiritual experiences.

    More about Sananga


    The Kuntanawa tribe from Brazil is known for their unique rapé blends, which hold deep spiritual and medicinal significance. Kuntanawa rapé combines a variety of ingredients, including tobacco, ashes, and a selection of medicinal plants found in their region. One notable plant often included in Kuntanawa rapé is Mugwort (Artemisia spp.), which is believed to have grounding and protective properties. Mugwort has been traditionally used in many cultures for its ability to promote lucid dreaming, clarity of thought, and purification of the energetic body.

    Another plant commonly used by the Kuntanawa is Ayahuasca vine (Banisteriopsis caapi), a sacred plant renowned for its visionary and transformative qualities. When combined in rapé, Mugwort and Ayahuasca vine create a blend that is cherished for its harmonizing and enlightening effects. Kuntanawa shamanic snuff can promote inner clarity, emotional balance, and connection to the sacred realms, making it a valuable tool for ceremonial practices, spiritual exploration, and personal growth.


    The Nukini tribe from Brazil has a rich rapé tradition and crafts blends that reflect their deep connection to the Amazon rainforest. Nukini rapé blends typically consist of tobacco, ashes, and a selection of plants endemic to their region. One plant commonly used by the Nukini is Murici (Byrsonima spp.), known for its cleansing and invigorating properties. Murici is believed to help remove energetic blockages and stimulate mental clarity.

    Another plant often included in Nukini rapé blends is Tsunu (Platycyamus regnellii), which adds depth and grounding to the blend. Tsunu is revered for its ability to promote a sense of stability, focus, and connection to the earth. Nukini rapé is highly regarded for its energizing and revitalizing effects. It can support mental clarity, focus, and spiritual connection, making it a valuable tool for ritual ceremonies, meditation, and intention setting.


    The Matses tribe from Peru has a long-standing tradition of using shamanic snuff for spiritual and medicinal purposes. Matses rapé blends typically incorporate a combination of tobacco, ashes, and plants found in the Amazon rainforest. One notable plant often used by the Matses is Bobinsana (Calliandra angustifolia), which is known for its heart-opening and calming qualities. Bobinsana has been traditionally used to promote emotional balance, spiritual insight, and deep healing.

    Another plant frequently included in Matses rapé blends is Chiric Sanango (Brunfelsia grandiflora), believed to promote energetic cleansing, purification, and spiritual connection. Matses rapé is highly valued for its ability to facilitate profound healing experiences, expanded consciousness, and emotional release. It is often used in ceremonial settings, healing rituals, and personal transformation work.


    The Guarani people, native to various countries in South America, have their own unique shamanic snuff traditions deeply rooted in their cultural and spiritual practices. Guarani rapé blends typically feature tobacco, ashes, and plants that hold cultural significance to the Guarani people. One plant often included in Guarani rapé is Jurema (Mimosa spp.), which is believed to have visionary and healing properties. Jurema has long been used in indigenous rituals to facilitate spiritual connection, divination, and the exploration of higher states of consciousness.

    Another plant commonly used in Guarani rapé blends is Ambay (Cecropia spp.), which adds a calming and harmonizing element to the blend. Ambay is valued for its ability to promote relaxation, balance, and the integration of experiences. Guarani rapé is respected for its ceremonial use in rituals, supporting spiritual connection, purification, and communion with ancestors. It is regarded as a sacred medicine that helps individuals navigate the realms of the spirit and gain deeper insights into themselves and the world around them.


    The Shipibo tribe from Peru is renowned for their intricate artistry and shamanic practices, including the use of rapé. Shipibo rapé blends are carefully crafted with a deep understanding of their indigenous traditions and the medicinal plants available in their environment. Shipibo rapé typically combines tobacco, ashes, and a variety of plants with potent medicinal properties. One plant commonly used by the Shipibo is Chullachaki Caspi (Maytenus macrocarpa), known for its protective and grounding qualities.

    Chullachaki Caspi is believed to help clear negative energies, provide a sense of stability, and support physical and spiritual healing. Another plant often included in Shipibo rapé blends is Uchu Sanango (Tabernaemontana sananho), which is thought to promote spiritual clarity, energetic cleansing, and connection to the plant spirit realm. Shipibo rapé is highly valued for its ability to facilitate deep healing, emotional balance, and expanded consciousness. It is often used in shamanic ceremonies, personal transformational work, and spiritual exploration.

    More about Shipibo


    The Xavante tribe from Brazil has a deep-rooted shamanic snuff tradition that incorporates specific plants from their region. Xavante rapé blends often include tobacco, ashes, and plants like Copaiba resin (Copaifera spp.). Copaiba resin is highly regarded for its anti-inflammatory and healing properties.

    It is believed to promote physical well-being, support respiratory health, and provide a sense of grounding. Xavante rapé is respected for its medicinal qualities and is used to enhance focus, promote relaxation, and connect with the spirit world.

    More about Xavante


    The Ashaninka tribe from Peru and Brazil has a long-standing relationship with rapé as a sacred medicine. Ashaninka rapé blends typically consist of tobacco, ashes, and plants like Ajos Sacha (Mansoa alliacea). Ajos Sacha is known for its aromatic and cleansing properties.

    It is believed to provide protection, clear negative energies, and promote clarity of thought. Ashaninka rapé is highly regarded for its spiritual and medicinal qualities, supporting connection to ancestral wisdom, purification, and inner harmony.


    The Puyanawa tribe from Brazil has a rich cultural heritage that includes the use of rapé. Puyanawa rapé blends often combine tobacco, ashes, and plants like Cumaru (Dipteryx odorata). Cumaru is valued for its calming and grounding effects, promoting a sense of relaxation and balance.

    It is also known for its aromatic qualities, adding a pleasant scent to the rapé blend. Puyanawa rapé is used for spiritual connection, emotional healing, and promoting a deep sense of peace and tranquility.

    Hunikuin (Cashibo)

    The Hunikuin, also known as the Cashibo tribe, from Peru has a profound understanding of shamanic snuff and its healing properties. Hunikuin rapé blends typically incorporate tobacco, ashes, and plants such as Ayahuma (Couroupita guianensis).

    Ayahuma is revered for its spiritual significance and is believed to facilitate communication with ancestral spirits. It is thought to bring protection, clarity, and profound healing to those who use it. Hunikuin rapé is highly regarded for its transformative qualities, promoting inner growth, energetic cleansing, and spiritual connection.

    Kaxinawá (Huni Kuin)

    The Kaxinawá, also known as the Huni Kuin tribe, from Brazil has a rich rapé tradition deeply intertwined with their cultural practices. Kaxinawá rapé blends often include tobacco, ashes, and plants like Chiric Sanango (Brunfelsia grandiflora).

    Chiric Sanango is highly revered for its visionary and cleansing properties, promoting spiritual insight and deep energetic cleansing. Kaxinawá rapé is valued for its ability to facilitate profound healing experiences, expanded consciousness, and connection to the spirit realm.

    Rapé blends from Goa

    Goa rapé

    Goa rapé shamanic snuff is becoming increasingly popular among the local spiritual community and is a viable alternative to the rapé blends made in South America. They are produced according to the traditional method, but using ingredients selected according to the Ayurvedic knowledge.

    Shiva Power

    This shamanic snuff is meant as a tool to increase the energy of the body and sharpen the focus of the mind. Choose this shamanic snuff if you want to buy rapé for cleansing, releasing negative energy, and grounding. It is suited to be consumed alone with a kuripe, or administered by a shaman in a rapeh ceremony. It is a natural tool to prepare for higher ceremonies, like kambo, ayahuasca, and other plant ceremonies.

    Brown in color, Shiva Power rapeh is sharp and stronger than Nukini rapé. It hits the mind first. It is then felt in the body, giving a sense of warmth, power, and control.

    Shiva Power rapé is produced according to the traditional method from the Amazonian tribes but made with a range of ingredients carefully selected among the most sacred and powerful herbs from the Ayurvedic realm.

    A strong variety of Rustica is mixed with the ashes of the sacred Banyan tree, used here instead of the common Tsunu. While the recipe is kept secret, the Full Moon rapé includes more than 9 herbs, all organic and locally sourced.

    More about Shiva Power rapé

    Full Moon

    Full Moon rapeh is a gentle, yet powerful, shamanic snuff. Choose this snuff if you want to delve into meditation, and thanks to its feminine nature it’s ideal to be used in channeling practices and to connect to a higher level of consciousness. It can also be used with a kuripe applicator to intensify the connection during tantra and tao exercises and as a preparation for more intense shamanic ceremonies.

    Light brown in color, Full Moon rapé is slightly stronger than Yawanawa rapé. It delivers a moderate kick at first, followed by a long feeling of gentle euphoria that calms the senses and stimulates the chakras connected to soul and sexuality.

    More about Full Moon rapé

    How do you know if your rapé blend is authentic, or a fake?

    Yes, rapé counterfeiting is a thing. The Shamanic snuff usage is booming, and it is hard for the tribes to keep up with the production. So, there are, as a matter of fact, several producers in Europe, the US, and Russia that make rapé and sell it as South American.

    So, how do you know if your rapé is authentic or counterfeited? Here are some aspects to consider:

    here are a few factors you can consider:

    1. Source: If your rapé blend is sourced directly from reputable and ethical suppliers, there’s a higher likelihood of it being authentic.
    2. Ingredients: Rapé blends typically consist of a variety of medicinal plants, tobacco, and ashes. Each producer has its own specific recipes and ingredients. Research the traditional ingredients used by the tribe associated with your rapé blend. If the ingredients align with the traditional recipes, it suggests authenticity.
    3. Preparation and Consistency: Authentic rapé shamanic snuff is usually prepared by grinding or blending the ingredients into a fine powder. The consistency should be smooth and homogeneous. Look for any irregularities or signs of poor preparation, such as coarse textures or clumps of material. Authentic rapé is typically finely powdered and easy to administer.
    4. Scent and Aroma: Each rapé blend has its own distinct scent and aroma profile. Familiarize yourself with the characteristic scents of authentic rapé blends associated with the specific producer. If the aroma matches the expected profile, it can be an indication of authenticity.
    5. Supplier Reputation: Research the reputation and credibility of the supplier or vendor from whom you obtained the rapé blend. Look for reviews, feedback, or testimonials from other customers. A reputable supplier who is transparent about their sourcing is more likely to offer authentic products.
    6. Traditional Use and Ceremony: Rapé is often used within specific rituals and ceremonies. If you have the opportunity, learn about the traditional use and ceremony associated with the rapé blend you have. Authentic rapé is deeply connected to the spiritual practices and cultural heritage of indigenous tribes.

    While these factors can provide some guidance to identify authentic rapé blends, it’s important to note that determining the authenticity of shamanic snuff can be challenging, especially if you’re not directly connected to the spiritual community. If you have doubts, it may be helpful to consult with experienced practitioners, reputable suppliers, or individuals with deep knowledge of indigenous traditions to gain further insights.


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